Tuesday, November 1, 2022
HomeAstrophotographySouthern Skywatch November 2022 version is now out!

Southern Skywatch November 2022 version is now out!

Night sky on November 8 wanting east as seen from Sydney at 21:15
AEDST (left panel) and Adelaide at 20:45 ACDST,(proper panel) as whole
eclipse begins. From the central states the moon will yellowish the place not eclipsed and
ashen within the eclipsed part.

The November version of Southern Skywatch
is now up. 

This month the planetary motion stays largely within the night skies, with 3 vivid planets seen within the night. Venus and Mercury return to the night skies in direction of the top of the month, low within the taillight.  The Leonid meteor Bathe is washed out by the intense Moon. Twilight whole Lunar eclipse.

Moon at perigee October 30. November the first might be a perigee First Quarter Moon. November 1-2; the Moon is near Saturn. November 4-5; the Moon near Jupiter. November 8; Full Moon (twilight whole eclipse). November 11; Mars is near the waning Moon, Mars and Beta Taurii (Elnath) kind a triangle. November 14; apogee Moon. November 16; Final Quarter Moon. Morning November 19; Leonid meteor bathe peaks. November 23; New Moon. Moon at perigee November 26. November 29; the crescent Moon is near Saturn once more.

Mercury  returns to the night sky this month, however by no means actually makes it out of the twilight glow till late within the month, subsequent month it will likely be wonderful. On the thirtieth Mercury is just below a hand-span above the jap horizon half-hour after sundown, simply above Venus. You’ll need a transparent, unobstructed horizon just like the desert or ocean and you could want binoculars to see them.

Venus returns to the night sky this month, however by no means actually makes it out of the twilight glow till late within the month, subsequent month it will likely be wonderful. On the thirtieth Venus is just below a 3 finger-widths above the jap horizon half-hour after sundown, just under mercury. You’ll need a transparent, unobstructed horizon just like the desert or ocean and you could want binoculars to see them.

Mars is turning into brighter because it nears opposition, it begins the Month between Beta 9Elnath and Zeta Taurii (the ideas of the horns) then reverses route and climbs the “horns” of Taurus the Bull, in direction of the Hyades and Purple Aldebaran. Mars is now rising earlier than midnight however stays finest seen within the morning skies. On the eleventh Mars is round 3° from the waning moon, forming a triangle with Elnath (beta Taurii), mid energy binocular fields will match the trio in.

rises earlier than the sky is totally darkish and climbs larger within the night sky and is a wonderful telescopic object within the early night to early morning. Jupiter was at opposition, when it’s largest and brightest as seen from Earth on September the twenty seventh. Jupiter is seen the entire evening setting simply earlier than e astronomical twilight. On the 4th and fifth Jupiter is simply above, after which under the waxing Moon.

Saturn is seen all night lengthy setting simply after midnight. Saturn was at opposition on the fifteenth of August and is seen excessive above the north-western sky when the sky is totally darkish. Saturn might be excessive sufficient for good telescopic commentary within the night and really early morning. Saturn kinds a line with delta and gamma Capricorn, and is near iota capricornii at the start of the month. On the first and 2nd  the First Quarter and waxing Moon is near Saturn. On November 29; the crescent Moon is near Saturn once more. Nov 1,9, 17 and 25 sees Titan near Saturn.

Moon: perigee October 30 (November the first might be a perigee First Quarter Moon) and November 26. Apogee November 14




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