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HomeAstrophotographySouthern Skywatch August 2022 version is now out!

Southern Skywatch August 2022 version is now out!

Night sky on Monday August 15 as seen from Adelaide at 22:00 am ACST.
Saturn is at opposition, when it’s greatest and brightest as seen from
Earth. Saturn additionally kinds a triangle with delta and gamma Capricornii.
Jupiter is simply above the horizon and is inside binocular distance of
the waning Moon. 

The insets are the telescopic views of Saturn and
Jupiter on the identical magnification presently. 


Comparable views will probably be
seen from the remainder of Australia on the equal native time. 

The August version of Southern Skywatch
is now up (sorry in regards to the delay, life occurred). The planetary motion is within the morning and night skies with 4 shiny
planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury within the morning sky. Saturn is at opposition, when it’s greatest and brightest as seen from Earth, Jupiter clims larger within the night sky and Mercury is at its finest within the night this month. The asteroid Vesta additionally reaches opposition and unaided eye brightness.

August 1-3; Mars and Uranus lower than 2 levels aside (in identical binocular discipline). August 4; Mercury and shiny star Regulus shut. August 5; First Quarter Moon. August 11; perigee Moon. August 12; Full Moon. August 12; Saturn and Full Moon shut. August 15; Saturn at opposition, when it’s greatest and brightest as seen from Earth. August 15; the waning Moon near Jupiter (1 diploma). August 19; Final Quarter Moon. August 20; Mars near waning moon. August 23; apogee Moon. August 23; Asteroid Vesta at opposition. August 26; the skinny crescent Moon is beside Venus low within the twilight. August 27; New Moon. August 29; Mercury near skinny crescent Moon in night twilight. August 30-31; Mars between Pleiades and the pink star Aldebaran.

Mercury  is climbing larger in night sky, and is at its finest this month and
till mid-September. It’s low within the twilight half an hour after sundown
within the first week of the month and get progressively larger. On August 4
it’s shut the intense star Regulus, It’s furthest from the Solar on the
twenty seventh when Mercury is seen effectively after darkish has actually fallen On August
29-30 the skinny crescent Moon and Mercury are reasonably shut.

Venus continues to sink in the direction of the horizon and by the top of the month Venus is misplaced within the twilight glow.

On the twenty sixth Venus and the skinny crescent Moon are shut.

is changing into brighter because it nears opposition, it’s in an space devoid of
shiny stars so is instantly identifiable. On August 22, Mars is 3° from
the crescent Moon. The pair simply seen collectively in binoculars. On the 1
to 3rdst Mars and Uranus simply seen collectively in binoculars (closes
on 1 August). On August twentieth , Mars is 5 ° from the waning Moon. The
pair simply seen collectively in binoculars. From the twentieth on Mars passes
between the Pleiades and Hyades, a superb morning sight, on the
30-Thirty first Mars is straight between the Pleiades and the intense pink star

Jupiter climbs larger within the night sky and is an good telescopic object within the
late night sky, though nonetheless finest telescopically within the morning. On
the fifteenth Jupiter is near the waning Moon, with the pair in the identical
binocular discipline and Jupiter just one° away.

Saturn is climbing larger within the night sky however stays seen within the morning
skies. Saturn is at opposition on the fifteenth, and is seen the entire
night time. Saturn will probably be excessive sufficient for good telescopic remark within the
night and early morning. Saturn kinds a shallow triangle with delta
and gamma Capricorn, changing into extra elongated because the month wears on. On
the twelfth (morning thirteenth) the Full Moon is near Saturn.

Moon: August 11; perigee Moon and August 26; apogee Moon




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