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HomeBiologyMycn regulates intestinal improvement by way of ribosomal biogenesis in a zebrafish...

Mycn regulates intestinal improvement by way of ribosomal biogenesis in a zebrafish mannequin of Feingold syndrome 1


Feingold syndrome kind 1, attributable to loss-of-function of MYCN, is characterised by diversified phenotypes together with esophageal and duodenal atresia. Nevertheless, no enough mannequin exists for learning the syndrome’s pathological or molecular mechanisms, neither is there a remedy technique. Right here, we developed a zebrafish Feingold syndrome kind 1 mannequin with nonfunctional mycn, which had extreme intestinal atresia. Single-cell RNA-seq recognized a subcluster of intestinal cells that had been extremely delicate to Mycn, and impaired cell proliferation decreased the general variety of intestinal cells within the mycn mutant fish. Bulk RNA-seq and metabolomic evaluation confirmed that expression of ribosomal genes was down-regulated and that amino acid metabolism was irregular. Northern blot and ribosomal profiling evaluation confirmed irregular rRNA processing and reduces in free 40S, 60S, and 80S ribosome particles, which led to impaired translation within the mutant. Moreover, each Ribo-seq and western blot evaluation confirmed that mTOR pathway was impaired in mycn mutant, and blocking mTOR pathway by rapamycin remedy can mimic the intestinal defect, and each L-leucine and Rheb, which may elevate translation through activating TOR pathway, may rescue the intestinal phenotype of mycn mutant. In abstract, by this zebrafish Feingold syndrome kind 1 mannequin, we discovered that disturbance of ribosomal biogenesis and blockage of protein synthesis throughout improvement are main causes of the intestinal defect in Feingold syndrome kind 1. Importantly, our work means that leucine supplementation could also be a possible and simple remedy choice for this illness.


Feingold syndrome is a skeletal dysplasia attributable to loss-of-function mutations of both MYCN (kind 1) or MIR17HG (kind 2), which encodes miR-17-92 microRNAs [1]. The syndrome is characterised by autosomal dominant inheritance of microcephaly and limb malformations, notably hypoplastic thumbs, and clinodactyly of the second and fifth fingers. Feingold syndrome kind 1 is all the time accompanied by gastrointestinal atresia (primarily esophageal and/or duodenal atresia) [2]. Nevertheless, whether or not the digestive system deficiency in Feingold syndrome 1 is the direct results of MYCN loss-of-function or a sequence impact of different developmental defects attributable to MYCN mutation stays unknown. Additional, the mechanism of the intestinal defects in sufferers with Feingold syndrome kind 1 can be unclear. This unclear pathogenesis of Feingold syndrome kind 1 is a serious impediment to creating therapies for the illness.

The MYC proto-oncogene household is a category of transcription components with a primary helix–loop–helix area and consists of MYC, MYCL, and MYCN [3]. MYCN amplification or overexpression has been described in lots of cancers, together with neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and lung most cancers, that are often of embryonic or neuroendocrine origin [4]. Like different members of the MYC household, MYCN controls the expression of its goal genes and regulates many elementary mobile processes comparable to proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, protein synthesis, and metabolism [5]. Analysis on rooster embryos has proven that overexpression of MYCN drives the neural crest towards a neural stem cell destiny [6]. MYCN homozygous mutant mice die at embryonic day E11.5, and a number of organs, together with the nervous system, mesonephros, lungs, and intestine, are affected. Moreover, this examine present that the homozygous mutant embryos bleed simply upon manipulation, exhibit distended aortas, and are severely anemic when examined at E12. These observations recommend a failure within the creating cardiovascular system, resulting in spontaneous bleeding that might additionally lead to embryonic dying [7]. Conditional disruption of MYCN in mouse neural progenitor cells has proven that MYCN is crucial for neural progenitor cell growth and inhibits its differentiation [8]. Nevertheless, the perform of MYCN in organogenesis stays unsure, and the mechanism by way of which MYCN regulates intestinal improvement stays unknown.

The vertebrate alimentary canal is derived from the primitive intestine tube, which originates from the endodermal layer [9] and offers rise to the digestive system organs, together with the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and intestines. Developmental defects on this course of can result in critical human illnesses, comparable to intestinal atresia, malrotation, hypoplasia, and epithelial defects, which trigger malabsorptive or secretory diarrheal syndromes [10]. Though the zebrafish digestive system differs morphologically from that of mammals, a excessive diploma of homology exists between zebrafish intestines and mammalian intestines when it comes to their mobile composition and molecular pathways regulating intestinal improvement [11]. Many zebrafish fashions for learning congenital illnesses affecting the intestines have been reported due to experimental tractability; these fashions have supplied novel insights into the developmental mechanisms, pathogenesis, and therapeutics of intestinal congenital illnesses [12,13].

On this examine, we generated a big deletion in mycn in zebrafish utilizing the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Homozygous mycn mutant fish are viable and fertile, and most significantly, the mutants carry a collection of developmental defects much like these of Feingold syndrome kind 1, comparable to an irregular pharyngeal arch (cartilage defects) and intestinal deficiency. Utilizing this mannequin, we studied the mechanism of the Mycn deficiency resulting in intestinal developmental defects and found a possible therapeutic technique for assuaging the intestinal defects in sufferers with Feingold syndrome kind 1.

Materials and strategies

Fish strains and upkeep

The zebrafish AB pressure was utilized in all experiments to generate knock-in or mutant strains. To generate the mycn mutants, we synthesized 3 gRNAs towards the second exon of the zebrafish mycn gene as beforehand described [14]. The Cas9 protein and mycn-targeting gRNAs had been coinjected into the wild-type (WT) embryos at 1-cell stage. The mycn mutant strains had been recognized within the F1 technology by analyzing the PCR product utilizing the primer pair listed in S1 Desk. To assemble mycn:EGFP knock-in zebrafish, we generated a gRNA concentrating on the second intron, and a donor DNA with EGFP reporter simply earlier than the cease codon of mycn flanked with 2 homologous arms. We coinjected Cas9, gRNA, and the donor into zebrafish embryos on the 1-cell stage, then display screen embryos with right EGFP expression.

Sucrose-gradient centrifugations

The sucrose-gradient centrifugations had been carried out as beforehand described [17]. WT and mycn mutant embryos had been collected at 3 dpf, digested with chilly 0.5% trypsin to a single-cell suspension, and homogenized in lysis buffer for 20 to 50 instances. The homogenate was centrifuged at 12,000g for 15 min at 4°C, and the supernatants had been layered on high of a ten% to 50% sucrose-gradient resolution. Ultracentrifugation was carried out at 36,000 rpm for two h (hours) at 4°C. After centrifugation, the absorbance at optical density OD260 of the fractions collected from the highest of the tube was detected utilizing a TRAIX detector (Thermo Scientific, USA).

Northern blot

Complete RNA was extracted from fish samples utilizing TRIpure Reagent (Aidlab, RN0102) based on the producer’s directions. Digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled 5′ETS-1, ITS1, and ITS2 probes had been obtained by PCR with particular primers (S1 Desk) and the corresponding plasmid DNA because the template, along with the DIG DNA Labeling Combine (Roche Diagnostics,11277065910). Northern blot hybridization was carried out as beforehand described [18]. DIG-labeled probes had been detected with CDP-Star Chemiluminescent Substrate (Roche, Cat#12041677001), based on the producer’s directions.

Processing of ribosome profiling knowledge

FastQC ( was used to carry out high quality points inspection for uncooked fastq information. For high quality trimming, cutadapt ( was used to take away adapter sequences and filter out reads that turned shorter than 20 nt (-m parameter). Trimmed clear reads had been aligned to the zebrafish GRCz11 genome utilizing STAR (, and reads mapped to a number of genomic location had been eliminated. featureCounts [20] was used to calculated gene expression counts of every pattern. The expression counts of all samples had been remodeled to fragments per kilobase of exon per million mapped fragments (FPKM). Translation effectivity was outlined by the ratio of Ribo-seq FPKM and RNA-seq FPKM. Differential translation effectivity evaluation was carried out by R package deal limma ( Greater than 3,000 genes had been recognized as down-regulated genes in mycn mutant samples (p-value < 0.05 and log2 fold change < −0.5). These genes had been uploaded to KOBAS ( net software to carry out KEGG pathway enrichment evaluation (p-value < 0.01, Edge weight = 0.2, Prime cluster = 3).

RNA-seq and GO evaluation

WT and mycn mutant zebrafish embryos had been collected for RNA sequencing at 2 and three dpf. Library development and sequencing had been accomplished by Novogene (Novogene Bioinformatics Expertise, Beijing, China). Paired-end sequencing (Novaseq6000, 150-bp reads) was carried out. The sequencing reads had been aligned to the zebrafish GRCz11 genome utilizing STAR ( [19], and reads mapped to a number of genomic places had been eliminated. Gene expression counts for every pattern had been calculated utilizing featureCounts [20]. Differential expression evaluation was carried out utilizing the DESeq2 package deal ( [21]. Differentially expressed genes had been obtained by evaluating the mycn mutant to the WT samples with padj ≤ 0.1 and |log2foldchange| < 0. Lastly, overlapped down-regulated genes of the two and three dpf samples had been chosen. GO organic course of evaluation was carried out with the clusterProfiler package deal ( [22].

Single-cell RNA-seq library preparation and sequencing

Samples had been ready for the single-cell RNA-seq as beforehand described [23]. Roughly 30 mycn mutant or WT zebrafish embryos at 3 dpf had been transferred to 1.5 mL low binding microcentrifuge tubes (Eppendorf 022431021). Trypsin-EDTA resolution (Beyotime, C0201) was added, then the answer was pipetted up and down a number of instances by way of a P200 tip each 5 min for 30 min. In any case embryos had been dissociated into single cell, the cells had been centrifuged right into a pellet and resuspended by including 200 μL 0.05% bovine serum albumin/Ringer’s resolution. Cell density was quantified manually utilizing hemacytometers (QIUJING), and cell viability was analyzed utilizing propidium iodide staining. Libraries had been ready utilizing the Chromium Controller and Chromium Single Cell 3′ Library (10× Genomics, PN-1000074) per the producer’s protocol for 10,000-cell restoration. Closing libraries had been sequenced on the Illumina Novaseq6000 (Genergy Bio-technology, Shanghai).

Single-cell RNA-seq evaluation

Uncooked sequencing reads had been analyzed utilizing the 10X Cellranger pipeline, model 3.0.2, with the default parameters. The expression matrix was obtained after operating Cellranger. The R package deal Seurat (model 4.0.2) [24] was used to carry out downstream evaluation. We created a Seurat object with the CreateSeuratObject() perform with min.cells = 3, min.genes = 100. Subsequent, we carried out a normal evaluation process with the capabilities FilterCells(), NormalizeData(), FindVariableGenes(), FindClusters(), and FindAllMarkers(), with applicable parameters. Lastly, all clusters had been visualized in 2 dimensions utilizing t-SNE or UMAP. These clusters had been annotated based mostly on differentially expressed markers in every cluster or by comparability with printed single-cell datasets. The WT and mycn mutant datasets had been built-in utilizing the Seurat integration process. First, variable options for every dataset had been normalized and recognized independently with nfeatures = 2,000. The FindIntegrationAnchors perform was used to establish anchors; the anchors had been used as enter for the IntegrateData perform to combine the two datasets. Lastly, the identical procedures had been carried out on the built-in datasets as completed for the only dataset with applicable parameters. The Seurat subset perform was used to create an intestinal cell Seurat object for downstream evaluation.


mycn was extremely enriched within the creating digestive system of the zebrafish embryos

To make use of zebrafish as a mannequin for learning Feingold syndrome kind 1 and the perform of Mycn throughout organogenesis, we first explored the spatiotemporal expression patterns of mycn throughout embryonic improvement in zebrafish. mycn transcription may be detected by RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) on the onset of gastrulation and is enriched within the neural ectoderm. On the finish of gastrulation, mycn was particularly expressed in each the anterior and posterior neural plate, per earlier stories on the position of MYCN in neural improvement and oncogenesis [25]. Starting at 18 hpf, mycn expression might be detected within the epiphysis, eye, optic tectum, spinal wire, and endoderm (S1A Fig). After 24 hpf, mycn expression was progressively restricted to the central nervous system, pharyngeal arch, and digestive system (Fig 1A).


Fig 1. mycn expression patterns in zebrafish throughout early improvement.

(A) Expression patterns of mycn in zebrafish at 2 and three dpf by whole-mount WISH. Lateral view (left), dorsal view (proper). (B) mycn expressed alongside the entire intestines of the embryos at 3 dpf proven by part through ISH. Arrows point out the embryo intestines. Sections had been lower alongside the sagittal airplane. (C) Fluorescence pictures present the mycn expression patterns by EGFP-knock-in fish at 2 and three dpf (lateral view). (D) mycn expressed alongside the entire intestines of the zebrafish at 4 dpf proven by part of mycn:EGFP fish. (E) UMAP plot exhibits unsupervised clustering of the cells in WT embryos of three dpf; cells are coloured by their cell kind annotations. (F) Violin plots present the mycn expression ranges of various cell varieties of WT embryonic scRNA-seq knowledge at 3 dpf. Scale bars: 200 μm (A and C), 50 μm (B and D). dpf, days postfertilization; ISH, in situ hybridization; scRNA-seq, singe-cell RNA-seq; UMAP, uniform manifold approximation and projection; WISH, complete mount in situ hybridization; WT, wild-type.

To validate the ISH outcomes and examine the mycn expression dynamics throughout zebrafish improvement, we generated an mycn:EGFP knock-in fish by inserting an EGFP sequence simply earlier than the cease codon of mycn with a P2A linker between the two proteins (S1C Fig) to keep away from presumably distorting the Mycn protein construction. The mycn:EGFP line confirmed that mycn was primarily expressed within the central nervous and digestive techniques throughout organogenesis (Fig 1C). Curiously, mycn was additionally expressed within the migrating neuromast cells of the lateral line, indicating that Mycn may additionally perform within the sensory organs. Excessive-magnification imaging of each the mycn ISH and mycn:EGFP confirmed that mycn was expressed within the intestinal epithelial cells, suggesting that Mycn capabilities straight in intestinal improvement (Fig 1B and 1D).

To additional characterize the mycn expression sample, we carried out single-cell RNA-seq for WT embryos at 3 dpf. A complete of 23 clusters had been recognized and annotated after strict high quality management (Fig 1E). We then explored the mycn expression stage throughout these clusters and located that mycn was extremely expressed within the central nervous system, neural crest cells, and endoderm-derived tissues such because the intestines, liver, and pancreas (Fig 1F). Moreover, we investigated mycn expression in printed single-cell RNA-seq datasets [2628]. In the course of the gastrulation and somitogenesis phases, the mind and optic cells confirmed excessive mycn expression (S1D and S1E Fig). Excessive mycn expression ranges had been detected in intestinal cells at 2 dpf, and mycn expression decreased within the intestines at 5 dpf (S1B and S1F–S1I Fig), which was per the ISH experiment on mycn.

mycn mutation outcomes to a number of developmental defects in zebrafish recapitulating human Feingold syndrome type1

To assemble a zebrafish mannequin of Feingold syndrome and examine the perform of Mycn throughout improvement, we generated a mycn mutant fish line utilizing the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Three gRNAs concentrating on exon2 of mycn had been injected along with Cas9 into zebrafish embryos on the 1-cell stage, leading to a 308-bp deletion within the CDS (coding sequence) of mycn (S2A Fig). This massive deletion was simply discriminated through PCR and led to early termination of the Mycn protein (122 amino acids left) (S2B Fig). Homozygous Mycn mutation results in embryonic lethality in mammalian system; we additionally discovered that almost all of our mycn mutant zebrafish died at round 10 dpf (S2C Fig). Nevertheless, among the homozygotic mycn mutant fish survived to maturity and had been fertile.

The WT and mycn mutant zebrafish didn’t noticeably differ morphologically till 4 dpf; at this stage, the mycn mutants lacked swim bladder, and their heads and eyes had been smaller than these of the WT fish (S2E Fig), however these defects change into much less apparent after 1 day of improvement in among the mutants (Fig 2A). We measured the physique size at 3 dpf and 4 dpf in WT and mycn mutant and located there isn’t a important distinction (S2D Fig), suggesting that the above phenotypes weren’t end result from complete developmental retardation. Alcian blue staining confirmed that the pharyngeal arch was severely malformed in a lot of the 5 dpf mycn mutants (Fig 2B). Nevertheless, the cranium improvement was regular within the mycn mutant, confirmed by alizarin purple staining at 7 dpf (S2F Fig). Curiously, ISH confirmed decreased expression of shha and hand2 within the fin bud of mycn mutants (Fig 2E), which can mimic the irregular arms improvement in Feingold syndrome [29].


Fig 2. Phenotypic evaluation of mycn mutants.

(A) Vivid-field pictures present that the mycn mutants lacked swim bladder at 4 dpf however appeared at 5 dpf. All embryos are proven in lateral view. (B) Irregular pharyngeal arch improvement was noticed in mycn mutants through Alcian blue staining; pictures present the top area of WT and mycn mutant embryos at 5 dpf (ventral view). (C) Intestinal lumens in WT and mycn mutant embryos at 5 dpf proven by ET33J1: EGFP reporter (lateral view). (D) Fluorescence alerts present the morphology of the entire intestines in WT and mycn mutant embryos at 7 dpf through DCFH-DA remedy (lateral view); statistical evaluation of gut size was confirmed in proper. (E) Expression of shha and hand2 by WISH displaying fin bud improvement in WT and mycn mutant embryos at 30 hpf (dorsal view). (F) Morphology of the entire gut visualized through HE staining for the WT and mycn mutant embryo sections at 4 dpf. Black arrows point out goblet cells within the WT intestines. Sections had been lower alongside the sagittal airplane. (G) Expression of ifabp by WISH displaying intestines in WT and mycn mutant embryos at 3 dpf (dorsal view). (H) Diagram of the rescue plasmid development. Overexpression of mycn particularly in endoderm cells was pushed by sox17 promoter. (I) Expression of ifabp in WT (2 pictures on the left) and mycn mutant embryos (2 pictures on the appropriate) at 3 dpf. The injected embryos are labeled with “inj” on the backside of the picture. Scale bars: 200 μm (AF), 50 μm (G). The information underlying this determine may be present in S1 Knowledge. DCFH-DA, 2′,7′-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate; dpf, days postfertilization; HE, hematoxylin–eosin; hpf, hours postfertilization; ifabp, gut fatty acid–binding protein; WISH, complete mount in situ hybridization; WT, wild-type.

Gastrointestinal atresia is one other of probably the most distinctive but least studied signs of Feingold syndrome kind 1. The extremely enriched expression of mycn mRNA within the creating intestines of zebrafish means that Mycn has a direct perform in intestinal improvement. To analyze this, we firstly crossed our mycn mutant fish with a intestine epithelial reporter ET33J1: EGFP zebrafish line [30]. The reporter confirmed that the dimensions of the complete gut of the mycn mutants at 5 dpf was dramatically smaller than that of the WT fish (Fig 2C). DCFH-DA remedy at 7 dpf additionally confirmed the intestinal developmental defect within the mycn mutants (Fig 2D). Moreover, the size of gut in mycn mutant can be considerably shorter in contrast with WT (Fig 2D). HE staining of the intestinal sagittal part confirmed that within the anterior area of the mycn mutant gut (intestinal bulb), the intestinal folds had been clearly smaller and fewer, the mid and posterior intestines of the mycn mutants confirmed an clearly narrowed lumen, and the goblet cells, which emerge in the midst of the intestines, may hardly be detected. Conversely, the goblet cells within the WT fish might be simply detected at 4 dpf (Fig 2F). WISH outcomes additionally confirmed that expression of the intestinal marker, gut fatty acid–binding protein (ifabp), was drastically lowered, probably because of the lowered intestinal measurement (Fig 2G).

To confirm that mycn loss-of-function, slightly than off-target results, triggered these phenotypes, we carried out a rescue experiment within the mycn mutant embryos by injecting a plasmid with the full-length mycn and an EGFP sequence below the sox17 promoter. The sox17mycn cassette was flanked by tol2 transposons, and transposase mRNA was coinjected to enhance the expression effectivity (Fig 2H). The intestinal measurement was considerably restored within the embryos that had sturdy endodermal EGFP expression, as proven by the ifabp expression (Fig 2I). These outcomes confirmed that the intestinal defects within the mutant fish resulted from the loss-of-function of Mycn and recommend that Mycn capabilities straight in endoderm improvement.

Along with the intestines, the primitive intestine tube (foregut) provides rise to the liver and pancreas. Thus, we carried out WISH utilizing markers of the liver (lfabp), the exocrine pancreas (prss1), and islets (insulin) within the WT and mycn mutant embryos at 3 dpf. The mycn mutants displayed a smaller liver and exocrine pancreas, whereas islet improvement appeared unaffected (S3A Fig). To hint the earliest discernable stage of the endoderm phenotypes within the mycn mutants, we carried out WISH utilizing the pan-endodermal markers foxa1, foxa3, and gata6 in embryos at 30 and 48 hpf. At 30 hpf, when the liver and pancreas buds started to emerge, these markers didn’t clearly differ between the WT and mycn mutant embryos. This implies that Mycn loss-of-function didn’t strongly have an effect on differentiation of the liver and pancreas throughout their budding phases. Nevertheless, the smaller liver, pancreas, and intestines at 48 hpf indicated that Mycn performs an necessary position throughout outgrowth of those digestive organs (S3B Fig).

To additional analyze the practical defects within the digestive tracts of the mycn mutants, we handled the embryos with PED6 (for lipid-processing exercise) or EnzChek (for protein-processing exercise) (S4A Fig) [31]. Though these actions had been severely compromised general, the fluorescence depth appeared regular within the mutants, suggesting that though the mutant intestinal morphology was extremely faulty, its fundamental absorption and digestive capabilities weren’t fully misplaced. Thus, we additional analyzed the three fundamental practical cells of the intestines: the absorptive, enteroendocrine, and goblet cells [32]. Periodic acid–Schiff and Alcian blue staining of the sagittal sections indicated that goblet cells was dramatically lowered however may nonetheless be noticed within the mycn mutants at 5 dpf (S4B Fig). HE staining additionally confirmed this (Fig 2F). For the enteroendocrine and absorptive cells, we carried out WISH utilizing pyyb (enteroendocrine cell marker) and slc15a1b (absorptive cell marker) probes. Though each might be detected, expression of those markers was dramatically decreased within the mycn mutants (S4C Fig). In abstract, Mycn loss-of-function led to irregular improvement of the complete digestive tract. Though differentiation of the primary practical cells was unaffected, Mycn loss-of-function triggered a lower within the general intestinal measurement and additional weakened the digestive system capabilities.

Along with the endodermal defects, the enteric neurons had been considerably lowered within the mutants in contrast with these of the WT fish at 5 dpf, when it comes to each fluorescence depth and cell numbers, as demonstrated by the anti-HuC antibody (S4D Fig). Whether or not this phenotype was because of the direct loss-of-function of Mycn within the enteric neuron or was a sequence impact of the intestinal atresia needs to be additional investigated.

Single-cell transcriptomics confirmed that Mycn loss-of-function lowered the particular intestinal cell sorts throughout embryonic improvement

To systematically examine the phenotypes ensuing from Mycn loss-of-function at a better decision, we carried out single-cell RNA-seq within the mycn mutant fish at 3 dpf. We built-in mycn mutant scRNA-seq datasets with WT datasets (see Materials and strategies). A complete of 27 cell sorts had been recognized and annotated based mostly on their expression markers (Figs 3A and S5A). Calculating the cell ratio of every cell kind revealed that the cranial neural crest, blood vessels, and digestive organs, together with the intestines, liver, and pancreas, had been dramatically decreased within the mycn mutants (Fig 3B). To extra deeply characterize the intestinal cell clusters, we chosen and reclustered the intestinal cells and recognized 9 subclusters (Fig 3C). We seen that cluster 8 extremely expressed mycn, and this cluster confirmed stemness traits based mostly on the pseudotime trajectory evaluation (S5C and S5D Fig); this cluster was fully disappeared within the mycn mutants. Moreover, clusters 4 and 6 had been considerably lowered within the mycn mutant. To characterize these subclusters, we carried out differential expression evaluation, chosen probably the most important markers (Fig 3D), and verified their expressions through ISH in each WT and mycn mutant embryos. Expressions of all these chosen cluster markers had been decreased within the mycn mutant intestines at 3 dpf, particularly for these of clusters 4, 6, 7, and eight, which may hardly be detected within the mutants (Fig 3E).


Fig 3. Single-cell RNA-seq evaluation of WT and mycn mutant embryos at 3 dpf.

(A) Unsupervised clustering of cells within the mycn mutants and WT embryos at 3 dpf. Cells are coloured based on their cell kind annotations inferred from expressed marker genes and printed datasets. (B) Bar plot exhibits the chances of every cell kind in mycn mutants (blue) or WT embryos (purple). (C) UMAP plot exhibits the subclusters of intestinal cells chosen from A. Cells are coloured by cell kind clusters. A complete of 9 clusters had been recognized by unsupervised clustering. (D) Dot plot exhibits the expressions of marker genes in every subcluster of intestinal cells. Heatmap represents common expression stage and dot measurement represents proportion of cell expression throughout mycn mutant and WT embryos. (E) WISH outcomes present the expression of marker genes of every cluster: id2a (cluster 0), tm4sf4 (cluster 2), apoc2 (clusters 1, 3, and 5), lmo7a (cluster 4), tcnl (cluster 6), baiap2l1a (cluster 7), fabp6 (clusters 4 and seven), and MT-ND2 (cluster 8) in WT and mycn mutant embryos. Arrow heads point out the intestines. Scale bar: 100 μm. dpf, days postfertilization; UMAP, uniform manifold approximation and projection; WISH, complete mount in situ hybridization; WT, wild-type.

Proliferation arrest, however not apoptosis, led to intestinal defects within the mycn mutants

The morphological, molecular, and single-cell RNA-seq outcomes indicated that the intestinal defects within the mycn mutants could also be on account of lowered cell numbers slightly than to a differentiation blockade. Thus, we analyzed the degrees of proliferation and apoptosis within the intestines of the mycn mutant and WT embryos at 3 dpf. Immunofluorescence confirmed that the PCNA alerts had been considerably lowered within the intestinal bulbs of the mycn mutants (Fig 4A). Nevertheless, TUNEL assay revealed no apparent apoptotic alerts within the intestinal bulb area of both the mycn mutant or WT embryos (Fig 4B). To additional verify the intestinal proliferation defects of the mycn mutants, we dissociated the three dpf embryos of the mycn−/−; ET33J1: EGFP line and carried out fluorescence-activated cell sorting to type out the intestinal cells. We then used BrdU and Annexin V-APC evaluation to mark the cells that had been proliferating or present process apoptosis, respectively. Per the immunofluorescence outcomes, the move cytometry outcomes additionally confirmed a considerably decrease proliferation fee within the mycn mutants, however apoptosis may hardly be detected within the intestines of both the WT or mutant embryos at 3 dpf (Fig 4C–4E).


Fig 4. Detection of cell proliferation and apoptosis in intestines of WT and mycn mutant.

(A) Cell proliferation within the intestines was detected by PCNA immunofluorescence staining (inexperienced sign) of the tissue sections from the WT and mycn mutant embryos. The statistical evaluation of the proliferating cells of the sections of gut in the appropriate. (B) Apoptosis within the intestines was detected through TUNEL assay (purple sign) for the tissue sections from the WT, mycn mutant, and camptothecin-treated (as optimistic management) embryos. Sections had been lower alongside the transverse airplane. Dotted strains point out the gut positions. (C) Schematic illustration of the experimental workflow of the move cytometry evaluation. (D) Cell proliferation within the intestines was detected by BrdU incorporation assay. (E) Apoptosis within the intestines was detected by APC-Annexin V staining. Embryos used within the move cytometry evaluation had been descendants of ET33J1: EGFP reporter line crossed with WT or mycn mutants (D and E). Scale bar: 50 μm. PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen; WT, wild-type.

Protein translation and nucleotide biosynthesis had been compromised within the mycn mutants

To grasp the molecular mechanism of the decreased proliferation that led to intestinal developmental defects within the mycn mutants, we carried out bulk RNA-seq within the mycn mutant and WT embryos at 2 and three dpf. In contrast with the WT fish, we recognized 470 down-regulated and 287 up-regulated genes in 2 dpf mycn mutants and 451 down-regulated genes and 409 up-regulated genes in 3 dpf mycn mutants, respectively (Figs 5A and S6A and S6B and S3 and S4 Tables). Amongst them, 85 genes had been down-regulated in each phases (Fig 5A). GO enrichment evaluation revealed that these 85 genes had been primarily concerned within the processes of ribosomal meeting, translation, nucleotide/nucleoside biosynthesis, and nucleoside metabolism (Fig 5B and 5D). Curiously, interplay networks of enriched GO phrases revealed that the digestive system improvement, together with that of the pancreas, was carefully associated to the ribosomal meeting/biogenesis (S6C Fig). Surprisingly, among the many 85 down-regulated genes, most of these associated to ribosomal meeting had been present in beforehand printed MYCN ChIP-seq knowledge on mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) [33], strongly suggesting that these genes are direct targets of Mycn in zebrafish (Fig 5C). qPCR evaluation additional confirmed the down-regulation of these ribosomal genes within the mycn mutants (Fig 5E), and, curiously, ISH of these genes confirmed that they had been all extremely enriched within the creating intestines of the zebrafish embryos (Fig 5F). Metabolomics evaluation additionally confirmed irregular metabolism of a number of amino acids within the mycn mutants (Fig 5G). In abstract, these outcomes strongly recommend that the intestinal phenotype within the mycn mutants might have been attributable to impaired ribosomal equipment and protein translation.


Fig 5. Multiomics evaluation within the mycn mutant and WT embryos.

(A) Venn diagram of the down-regulated genes in mycn mutants in contrast with WT at 2 and three dpf. The variety of congruently down-regulated genes is proven within the center. (B) Heatmap displaying the scaled expression patterns of 85 down-regulated genes (recognized in A) in mycn mutant and WT embryos at 2 and three dpf. Colour scale: purple, excessive expression; blue, low expression. (C) Bar plot exhibits the arrogance interval of a portion of the rpl and rps genes that had been direct downstream targets of MYCN analyzed by ChIP-seq of MYCN within the mouse ESC from printed datasets [31]. These genes had been additionally been discovered down-regulated within the mycn mutants by bulk RNA-seq evaluation. (D) Dot plot displaying enriched GO phrases of the 85 down-regulated genes within the mycn mutants. The dimensions and colour depth of every dot represents the gene counts in every enriched GO time period and the adjusted p-value, respectively. (E) qPCR verification of the down-regulated rpl and rps genes at 3 dpf in WT and mycn mutant embryos. Asterisks point out that the numerous distinction by Pupil t check. **p < 0.001; *p < 0.05. (F) Expression patterns of rpl and rps genes and mycn within the digestive organs of WT embryos at 3 dpf through WISH (pictures proven in dorsal view). (G) Metabolite evaluation of the mycn mutant and WT embryos. The heatmap exhibits the expressions of various substances in mycn mutant and WT embryos after normalizing the depth worth of every metabolite. Bar plot exhibits the KEGG pathway enrichment and enrichment significance calculated by evaluation of differential metabolites between the mycn mutant and WT embryos. Fold enrichment is the ratio of the variety of metabolites matching the pathway throughout enrichment evaluation to the variety of theoretical metabolites distributed to the pathway of random distribution. Enrichment significance is indicated by colour within the histogram based on p-value. Scale bar: 100 μm. The information underlying this determine may be present in S1 and S2 Knowledge. dpf, days postfertilization; ESC, embryonic stem cell; GO, gene ontology; WISH, complete mount in situ hybridization; WT, wild-type.

Impaired protein translation was the primary explanation for the intestinal defects within the mycn mutants

To validate whether or not ribosomal biogenesis and protein translation was impaired within the mycn mutants, we firstly investigated the rRNA processing within the WT and mycn mutant by northern blot utilizing probes for five′ETS, ITS1, and ITS2 areas of pre-rRNA, respectively (Fig 6A). We didn’t see apparent aberrant intermediates of the processed pre-rRNA by ITS1 and ITS2 probe. Surprisingly, the 5′ETS-1 probe detected an additional smaller band, which is indicative of the impairment of rRNA processing. The impaired rRNA processing in mycn mutant might was a results of the lower of rRNA processing–associated genes (S6D and S6E Fig). Then, we performed a sucrose density–gradient centrifugation assay to analyze the ribosomal profiling in each the mutant and WT embryos at 3 dpf. The quantities of free 40S, 60S, and 80S r-particles and polyribosomes had been lowered within the mycn mutants (Fig 6B). This compromised ribosomal biogenesis additional slowed down the synthesis of recent proteins, as proven by western blotting of a puromycin incorporation assay (Fig 6C) and immunofluorescence by the anti-puromycin antibody of the intestinal sections (Fig 6D).


Fig 6. Irregular rRNA processing and impaired protein translation in mycn mutants.

(A) Northern blot evaluation of mycn mutant and WT embryos at 5 dpf was carried out utilizing probe 5′ETS1, ITS1-1, and ITS2-1. Schematic drawing displaying the construction of the pre-rRNA and probe positions of zebrafish (high) [34]. All samples had been normalized by the full RNA. (B) Ribosomal profiling of mycn mutant and WT embryos at 3 dpf was carried out by sucrose density–gradient centrifugation. All samples had been normalized by the full RNA. (C) Detection of nascent protein synthesis by puromycin incorporation assay in WT and mycn mutant embryos at 2 and three dpf. Puromycin-incorporated neosynthesized proteins had been detected by western blot with anti-puromycin antibody. The β-actin expression stage was used as inner management. (D) Nascent protein synthesis was detected by part immunofluorescence with anti-puromycin antibody in WT and mycn mutant embryos at 3 dpf. Sections had been lower alongside the transverse airplane. All embryos are proven in dorsal view. Scale bar: 50 μm (C), 200 μm (DF). Uncooked pictures of this determine are supplied in S1 Uncooked Photographs. dpf, days postfertilization; WT, wild-type.

To additional examine the signaling pathways which have been affected by the impaired rRNA processing/ribosomal biogenesis in mycn mutant, we carried out Ribo-seq assay. For every gene, and for every pattern, we calculated translation effectivity outlined by the ratio of footprint FPKM to mRNA FPKM and additional carried out differential translation evaluation between WT and mycn mutant embryos. We discovered that genes that had decrease translation effectivity in mycn mutant embryos primarily enriched for signaling pathways together with p53 and TGFbeta, that are necessary for cell dying and proliferation [35,36], in addition to the mTOR signaling pathway, which was reported to be concerned in regulating ribosome biogenesis and translation (Figs 7A and 7B and S7B) [37]. Goal of rapamycin (TOR) is a extremely conserved serine/threonine kinase that regulates protein synthesis in response to varied components, together with vitamins, progress components, and amino acids [38,39]. mTORC1 controls protein synthesis by activating S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) and inhibiting 4E-binding protein 1 (4EBP1) [40]. Per the Ribo-seq knowledge, we discovered a slight lower of rps6 protein however a dramatic lower of phosphorylated rps6 and phosphorylated eIF4EBP in mycn mutant (Fig 7C), which additional confirmed the impaired mTOR signaling pathway. We then discovered that remedy of rapamycin, the TOR inhibitor, may result in intestinal developmental defects in zebrafish embryo, which was much like mycn mutant, proven by ISH of ifabp (Fig 7D). In the meantime, we discovered that some ribosome genes, which transcriptionally decreased in rapamycin-treated embryos, may be additionally discovered decreased within the mycn mutant (S7A Fig). These outcomes recommend that correct protein synthesis is crucial for intestinal improvement and that elevated protein synthesis might rescue the intestinal defects in mycn mutants. Thus, we injected rheb mRNA and L-Leu, which may each forcefully activate the TOR pathway, into the mycn mutant embryos at 1-cell stage and 30 hpf, respectively. Surprisingly, each L-Leu and Rheb partially rescued the intestinal measurement within the mycn mutant embryos, as proven by ifabp expression (Fig 7E and 7F). Nevertheless, we didn’t discover an additive impact on the gut defect by combining each dietary supplements (S7D Fig). Though we didn’t discover important impact on the intestinal defect by injection of rps6 mRNA, we noticed some minor rescue by injection of rps3a mRNA (S7C and S7E Fig). Moreover, though utilizing methotrexate to inhibit purine metabolism led to extreme intestinal defects (S7F Fig), supplementing adenine and guanine within the mycn mutants didn’t restore the intestinal measurement (S7G Fig).


Fig 7. Blockage of mTOR pathway and impaired protein translation outcomes to intestinal defects in mycn mutants.

(A) Schematic illustration of the experimental workflow of the Ribo-seq. (B) KEGG evaluation of the genes displaying lowered translation effectivity within the mycn mutant. The purple field marks the mTOR pathway. (C) Detection of the rps6, phosphorylated rps6, eIF4EBP, and phosphorylated eIF4EBP in WT and mycn mutant embryos at 3 dpf. The proteins had been detected by western blot. The tubulin expression stage was used as inner management. (D) Inhibiting the mTOR pathway by completely different doses of rapamycin mimicked the intestinal defects phenotype of the mycn mutants. (E, F) Activating the mTOR pathway by injecting rheb mRNA and L-Leu remedy partially rescued the intestinal defects phenotype of the mycn mutants. All embryos are proven in dorsal view. Scale bar: 50 μm (C), 200 μm (DF). Uncooked pictures of this determine are supplied in S1 Uncooked Photographs. dpf, days postfertilization; ifabp, gut fatty acid–binding protein; WT, wild-type.


On this examine, we generated mycn mutant fish mimicking the signs of human Feingold syndrome kind 1. Among the many many phenotypes attributable to Mycn loss-of-function, we targeted on intestinal atresia, a symptom that has the best impression on sufferers’ high quality of life but has an unclear pathogenesis. Our mannequin confirmed that Mycn performs a direct position in intestinal improvement by controlling the dimensions of the complete digestive tract by regulating cell proliferation throughout improvement. The molecular mechanisms learning revealed that Mycn, as a transcriptional activator, straight regulates the transcription of genes associated to ribosomal biosynthesis and meeting. Importantly, though inhibiting each protein translation and purine metabolism can result in developmental defects in zebrafish intestines, the intestinal phenotype attributable to Mycn loss-of-function was counteracted solely after we used L-Leu or Rheb, that are activators of the TOR signaling pathway, to forcibly elevate the extent of protein synthesis. This will likely present a possible remedy technique for assuaging intestinal defects in sufferers with Feingold syndrome.

Our work confirmed that in embryonic improvement, intestinal cells, that are in a extremely proliferative state, require excessive mycn expression ranges. Curiously, mycn was additionally extremely expressed within the neuroectoderm as early as gastrulation stage and continued to be enriched within the central nervous system through the organogenesis stage. Nevertheless, we noticed no apparent nervous system phenotypes within the mycn mutants, both morphologically or from single-cell sequencing. This may be as a result of different MYC relations, comparable to c-myc or l-myc, that are additionally expressed within the nervous system, compensate for the perform of Mycn. Future double or triple knockout of the Myc relations is required to validate this speculation and decide the connection between the members of the MYC household. One other attention-grabbing query raised here’s what regulates expression of the Myc genes, and what mechanism achieves the spatiotemporal expression of the Myc relations. Human Feingold syndrome is a dominant illness whereas a mutated mycn homozygous mannequin of zebrafish can nonetheless present related options. Our hypothesis is that, in zebrafish, the myc relations have a number of paralogues (myca, mycb, mycla, myclb and mycn) which will have redundant capabilities; that is in all probability the explanation that the heterozygotes of mycn mutant don’t present apparent phenotype.

In our mycn:EGFP reporter line, mycn was expressed within the migrating neuromasts of the lateral line, a sensory organ derived from neural crest cells in zebrafish, and our single-cell transcriptomic knowledge confirmed that the cell ratios of a number of neural crest-derived organs had been considerably decrease within the mycn mutants. That is considerably inconsistent with a earlier examine, which confirmed that MycN can drive the neural crest towards a neural stem cell–like destiny in rooster embryos [6]. Primarily based on our single-cell evaluation of the mycn expression dynamics throughout improvement, we hypothesize that mycn expression ranges would possibly partially have an effect on the destiny of neural stem cells and the neural crest. When mycn expression may be very excessive, the cells are inclined to differentiate into neural stem cells, and when the mycn expression is decrease, the cells change into a neural crest. However Mycn is crucial for each cell sorts, and mycn deletion doesn’t considerably have an effect on the central nervous system as a result of different Myc relations compensate for it.

Single-cell RNA-seq recognized a number of clusters of creating intestinal cells that had been extremely delicate to Mycn loss-of-function; these clusters had been extremely proliferating at this developmental stage and thus required a better quantity of mycn. Two latest works reported that mitochondrial transcription positively regulates intestinal improvement [41] and that copper overload impacts intestinal improvement in zebrafish [42]. Among the many intestinal clusters from our single-cell knowledge, 1 cluster (cluster 8) expressing the very best stage of mycn mRNA fully disappeared within the mycn mutants. Curiously, many marker genes on this cluster are associated to mitochondrial perform and copper metabolism (S2 Desk), and this cluster might comprise the cells that had been primarily affected within the aforementioned 2 works. Our knowledge present a mechanistic understanding of those phenomena.

In abstract, our work generated a zebrafish mannequin of Feingold syndrome kind 1. Our outcomes recommend that proliferation arrest attributable to protein synthesis blocking was the primary cause for the developmental defects within the intestines of mycn mutant, suggesting a attainable remedy technique for intestinal signs in sufferers with Feingold syndrome. Nevertheless, zebrafish had been developed in vitro; thus, their nutrient acquisition and developmental setting differ from these of people, and these outcomes needs to be validated utilizing a human intestinal organoid system.

Supporting info

S1 Fig. Expression sample of mycn in zebrafish embryos.

(A) Expression of mycn proven by WISH in embryos at 6, 10, 18, and 24 hpf; AV, LV, and DV. (B) mycn mRNA expression ranges within the zebrafish embryos had been assessed through qPCR at completely different phases. (C) Schematic representing the EGFP knock-in technique utilizing CRISPR/Cas9 in zebrafish. (D, E). Evaluation of expression dynamics of mycn throughout early improvement of zebrafish embryos utilizing printed single-cell RNA-seq datasets. mycn expression dynamics are proven within the URD tree (D) [27] and the zebrafish developmental panorama graph (E) [26]. (F–I). UMAP plot displaying cell varieties of zebrafish embryonic scRNA-seq datasets at 2 dpf (F) and 5 dpf (H) [25]. Violin plots displaying mycn expression ranges in several cell varieties of WT embryonic scRNA-seq datasets at 2 dpf (G) and 5 dpf (I). Scale bars: 200 μm. AV, animal view; DV, dorsal view; hpf, hours postfertilization; LV, lateral view; WISH, complete mount in situ hybridization; WT, wild-type.



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